Monday, January 27, 2014


and so things move on through faster and faster. as your hands try to grasp the ungraspable.

as your eyes catch only a flicker of the unseeable -your heart feels the terrible pain of the now unknowable. life has cheated you. it doesn't matter.  time passes by like a vicious winter wind.
as you tighten up against this all things have changed.  you smile on a nothingness.

how can this be. again. but when did this happen? what slight bit of what was it? color water?
how can this painting become traitorous?

one sees in it something no longer quite the same no not at all the same. why does it wish this on you.  when did this dream begin?

and in a final moment you have gone from outside to inside.  now movement is life. all must keep moving. and moving you as you move it.