Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to make these or not

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. Herman Melville

Let us speak, though we show all our faults and weaknesses, -for it is a sign of strength to be weak, to know it, and out with it -not in a set way and ostentatiously, though, but incidentally and without premeditation. -HM

We are very often told that we are incoherent, but people intend this word to convey an insult which I find rather hard to grasp.  Everything is incoherent.  The man who decides to take a bath but goes to the cinema.  The other man who wants to keep quiet but who says things that don't even come into his head.  Another one who has an exact idea about something but who only manages to express the opposite in words which for him are a bad translation.  No logic.  Relative necessities discovered a posteriori, valid not from the point of view of their exactitude, but as explanations. Tristan Tzara

The acts of life have neither beginning nor end.  Everything happens in a very idiotic fashion.  That's why every thing is the same.  Simplicity is called dada. -Tzara

In painting, things happen in the same way.  Painters, technicians who do very well what a camera records much better, will carry on with the game.  We'll play ours.  We don't know why, nor how.  With everything that comes to hand.  It will be badly done, but we don't care.  -Tzara


  1. doug, i think your paintings are gorgeous. they look like part of a wall in a 500-year-old metropolitan subway station, or rocks that are overgrown with neon lichen and stained from fifty years of dirty rainwater collecting and drying up over and over again, or candy wrappers buried in the rubble of a bombed-out city square in russia... they have such intimate textures, they look like the thumbprints of moments in history that maybe only a single person, or a frog or an ant, ever knew...

    1. Wow Nick...that is exactly how I want them to look...! I mean that is it exactly I think...but what does this mean?...I want to be a frog or an ant...!...and grow to be 500 years old...!
