Saturday, November 9, 2013

ugly art

Following the Cocteau quote -Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time.  Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time. -I try to produce ugly things.  I have been trying for years.

But I must admit I think that for the most part I produce bland things -not the same at all I know. I doubt my painting of my old church even looks like one anything...

Making things truly ugly is hard as hell.  I sometimes feel it just can't be done.  Not by me at least.  And these attempts at a Japanese art don't work at all...

Maybe its cause I am so often trying to create a sort of primitive winsome kind of thing both amateur and knowing at the same time…well that probably won't work…you simply cannot have all three goals reside in one piece I guess.

And even these goals are always mixed in with some heavy additive of painful memory.  Don't get me wrong I had a lovely childhood…the problem was that I was almost always sad I just was…and remembering it is just as bad -or good- depending on what I'm after I guess.  

But this kind of writing might make you think I feel like a failure but I don't well not usually not exactly.  This all reminds me of another Jean Cocteau quote -An Artist can no more speak of his art than a plant can discuss horticulture.


  1. That last one is like a cup of coffee exploding with rich flavor!

  2. love the father-son piece. i don't remember any of your art as being bland.

    1. It is one of my favorite Leslie. My father was so tall. For all my young life he was the tallest man I ever met, strangely quietly generous. This was from when we walked up the slope from the empty lot to our empty lot and he handed me the sketches of our new house. I was nervous having responsibility for them.
