Wednesday, December 4, 2013

junk and other delights

Among painters as among writers there are those who stick to their guns, who follow the scent like bloodhounds, as it were, and there are others who sit like birds of prey on some imaginary limb or ledge, ready to land on the happy accident that will lead them to some unknown, undreamed of, destination. -Henry Miller

Haven't you ever looked at some paintings a gotten mad, not at the painting, but at the painter's attitude, at some perceived arrogance, some stupid show-iffy detail in the painting?  I don't know but it happens to me all the time, and it is always with someone I've never heard of,  I just think, well that's stupid, really it's idiotic to me, or of me if you will.

…but let me know the painter, or have been introduced by another painter I admire, and I will never think badly of him or her.  I will endlessly admire all the flaws, especially those I consider to be personal flaws...

…which I suppose is introducing my own personal flaws, hmm, oh well.  Maybe it will allow you to follow my blog, knowing these flaws -that would be good.

Each one, in following his native bent, talks a different language.  In the end, no matter what language they talk, we get -pictures. And eventually the dealers and critics will inform us into which category the pictures fall, even if they defy categorizing. -Henry Miller

Matisse was always ashamed that he could not paint like any of his fellow painters.  It happens all the time.

The astonishing thing is that those who were mocked and jeered at, especially by their fellow painters, sometimes turned out to be the foremost painters of their time.  -Henry Milller

1 comment:

  1. another great post. I sent some people this way via facebook.
