Sunday, December 15, 2013

christmas time

I admit they don't look like this to me.  They all just drive me crazy.  Why can't I get these brushes in tune?  I was bleeding when I tried to do this one…but not enough apparently.

You know Whistler said it took him one day to paint those fireworks, and maybe he touched it up the next day he doesn't remember.  Those guys have got talent…genius…remarkable huh?

These feel possibly unfinished to me…they're not even signed not on the front nor the back.  I must be thinking of something…now ain't it funny that you cannot not only not think but neither can I even remember what it feels like to think…what a disaster...

My son and I were driving along the lake the other morning at first light, and looking out the entire horizon of the lake was in flames, giant trees out there a couple of miles were caught in the conflagration, even strange swollen animals were dancing in the extreme heat…

Please forgive me if this is the last pre christmas day posting…you never really know.