Thursday, September 12, 2013

Here we are. Again.

Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue.  It is through disobedience that progress has been made, disobedience and through rebellion.
- Oscar Wilde (1897)

Well here we are.   Again.  You and I.   It is quiet out there is it not?  It's  5:16 in the morning.  The only creature I've seen are my cats and outside a rabbit.  A little guy.

Speaking of which, I was just reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland again, but I had to stop because the type in this new edition is too small for me.  I gotta find the older edition around here.

Have you read Joseph Delteil's The Passion of Joan of Arc ?  I love that book as well as the movie they made of it.

Don't worry we won't be talking about films here cause I don't even get them, like I don't even understand them.  In fact if I listed my top 10 films, I think that would cover all the films I like at all.

I like thinking about the movies I want them to make.  One on Blaise Cendrars certainly.  And one on Andre Breton and his crowd as the war began. Andre Masson along with Max Ernst and the rest of the guys who worked on the Tarot cards with them.  I know. Tristan didn't work on them. But we should get him in the film.  Squeeze him in the opening.

And what a great movie can be made of Eugina Errazuriz...What a trip...!  Everyone can be in it. Picasso, Cocteau, Sargent, every great designer...and the mysteries of her life...the connections. I'm not thinking of Picasso so much, but of Cendrars and the tower she had built for him...but think of them all, what a great movie, let's go see it...but can I get get the thick illustrated book first...!!?

What a liar. I wasted my last nickel talking about movies...


  1. These look good enough to eat! Really!

    1. Unfortunately these are not edible...though much of the stuff in them has been edibited...

  2. Replies
    1. I love idioms that no longer have a contex for meaning...

  3. still loving these collages doug. you know i read alice in wonderland & through the looking glass recently and i felt as if i had never read them before. i loved both of those books so much i could cry. now i want everyone to read them! and i loved the johnny depp movie, did you???? xoxooxoxoxox
