Monday, August 5, 2013

the rod was bent

I was just watching this show about the modern guys like Isaac Asimov and Arthur C Clarke but I didn't enjoy it.  Though I think that it's because they don't seem to know how to inject life and purpose into the modern guys...isn't that funny.  We have so much more information about them but we don't know what to do with it.   We don't know how to show the depth of their lives.

And its true of the artists also.  We seem to lack the tint we need to age and polish the image properly.  Now its not always true.  We've done well with John Lennon, Marylin Monroe, Jack Kennedy, and a few others.

But maybe it just takes time.  We did well with Picasso.  And the oceans of stuff coming out on his contemporaries makes me hopeful.

But still I now wonder if we have the heart to do well with people anymore. May be we can't. Just to much real tension for us yes?  But look at the writers of teen fiction.  Fabulous yes?  I have felt Jonathan Stroud to be a great writer.  And even the adult fiction writers like Cormac McCarthy who brings depth and passion to everything he writes.  But hold on a sec.  What I've been talking about are our biographies.  And in particular our filmed biographies.  That is another kettle of fish entirely.

Really one doesn't have to believe anything anymore.  Will we all now drag in our personal biographies?  It seems weak as a literary tool at least in a biography.  But come on, look at Errol Morris, think about that fabulous biography of Brian Eno.  Get a hold on yourself. One lousy movie and you're ready to jump off the deep end?

Don't these seem like curious pictures?  Kind of messy.  Lots of paint and collage, the entire kitchen sink.  I'm not sure what I think of them.

1 comment:

  1. yes, the whole kitchen sink. 1st one I have to see in person. it looks thick, 3 dimensional, is interesting, stands out.
