Tuesday, May 6, 2014

hello future

Hello future...I know when you read this all of us reading it now will be gone.  I hope you can think kind things about us.  Maybe your dads and moms spoke of us in happy phrases.  But I'm not really going to talk about us.  We're gone after all, swept away, its a new playing field, a blank canvas, it is you future.

Let's see...hmm...how are you?  Are you all liking this new world?  It kinda looks hazy from here, out of focus...I'm sure it has all the new miracles, the inventions of the future, like walking, that's a good one, do you like it?  I always did.  

I bet there are many many great artists in your day, from all over the galaxy,  that must be fun, to see the new stuff as it is created.  It's a great pleasure now really.  Although only a certain group of us care to see the stuff.

You might like it if I talked about this stuff, but it's just too boring.

Well not really -its just that I can't think of anything to say today.  I think I've just got to much on my mind, like going to pick up the phone for Guthrie and getting Rook some new insects to eat, and taking Seth to get a shot and going to his guitar lessons and getting him some more lunch food etc. etc. I'm sure you get this stuff, like I've got to figure out how to get my wedding dress fitted etc...

And what happens sometimes is that that kinda stuff just wipes out my dreaming...even erases my connection.  It's like I fell on the ground and got dirt and grit in my head...it just don't work right...in fact it just stops movin...

maybe its just that I haven't taken anything in recently...the stuff that oils my brain...and it gets rusty fast when left on it own.

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