Sunday, March 2, 2014

guess what

So. Guess what.  It turns out that they are now saying that artists can do anything they want.  They can have their personality or none at all.  But I know that is not how artists think for the most part.

You see, they are exactly like you and me.  And in art, at least for me, it is a search in the scrublands for something I lost or maybe never had.  Something I needed and misplaced or something I needed and never got.

Do you ever read people talking about stuff like the 10 qualities of strong people?  Well, I find it all garbage for the most part, and in its way very funny.

I mean first of all, who wants to have a strong personality.  It sounds like bricks and stones to me.  I would think it far preferable to have an elastic personality.  And I think I get far more from weak and damaged personalities...

And I don't have to give you examples because if you have read even just a few of my 180 or so blogs, then you know who I mean.

You know I find most of you to be troublesome in your complexity and far too bright in your intellect and immensely too delicate in your affections -for me to understand.

And I think pictures, though always too pretentious by definition, are for me at least the prettiest way to communicate.  As I look at them I think ah yes, this will do it.  Almost as if I am a master key maker (I did say pretentious didn't I?) and as I unlock a door I hang a picture which can tell me the way back as I enter the next dark room.

The picture means it is okay. It is safe here.

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