Thursday, May 30, 2013


Odd you know how someone can decide to steal your paintings isn't it?

What for...?  They can't resell them safely.  They just have to hold on to them for 25 years and even that isn't really safe not when they face a jail term of 10 years.

And in my case so much of it at least the earlier stuff is drawn by my sons.  And often the work is about my mother and father, original photographs, stories about my childhood, things that I'd hoped would be stories for my children to read...things to help with our communication...especially after I'm gone.

My youngest was saying it is the job of policemen to make everybody happy isn't it?...I said yes it is...then he said good we'll get them back.

I guess they just keep building on the last one.  That's what it feels like but I don't really believe it.  It is something else something strange I guess.

"In a world like this one, it's difficult to devote oneself to art body and soul. To get published, to get exhibited, to get produced often requires ten or twenty years of patient, intense labor. I spent half my life at it! And how do you survive during all that time? Beg? Live off other people until you're successful? What a dog's life! I know something about that! You're always recognized too late. And today, it's no longer enough to have talent, originality, to write a good or beautiful book. One must be inspired! Not only touch the public but create one's own public. Otherwise, you're headed straight for suicide."  Henry Miller

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