Sunday, June 8, 2014


When you are in a neighborhood like mine it is fun to walk the mile down to town and while you do that -if its in the evening -you can check out everyone's houses through the windows, all lit up, and there are some very pretty arraignments of lamps and pictures and lighting and colors, its nice to see.

And it just doesn't happen very often, mainly because we usually only walk in the mornings before any of the fronts are lit.  Oh well, it's pretty then then too, especially this spring as it has kept cool and the flowers are blooming for a long time, beautiful happy peonies and viburnums, new healthy young hostas popping up here and there, and sweet tulips waving good morning in the gentle breeze.

Odd, this really doesn't seem to complement these paintings.   Or maybe it does, since these guys seem to want to jump in my face, and so a peaceful kind of writing may mitigate some of the wildness of these things.

It has actually been sort of hectic with school ending celebrations, obligations of varied types, yet its almost over and then it will be peaceful summer with the hot days and glowing water of the lake nearby.

Hmm, I seem to have accidentally turned on the watermark.  Oh well I'll figure that out later.

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