Friday, April 25, 2014


Between ourselves, it's terrible what one lays oneself open to when drawing an innocent picture. -Magritte

Of course, Magritte was not the top tier of painters.  That was Picasso.  And once you leave the top tier, you starve.  Or, of course, never get there in the first place.  And so of course, after leaving Paris after his great humiliation, with the critics laughing at him, he went home to Belgium and painted Picassos and Chiricos for a living.  And it's alright, Chirico had to paint Chiricos too for a living, and got to suffer the humiliation of stealing his own signature and dating the paintings back to the time he was popular.

All I can say is just fuck them all or as Magritte put it -My art is valid insofar as it resists bourgeois ideology, in the name of which life is extinguished.

Once, on regaining the light of day, I noticed an artist painting in an avenue of the cemetery, which was very picturesque with its broken columns of stone and heaped up leaves.  He had come from the capital -his art seemed to be magic, and he himself endowed with powers from above.  Unfortunately, I learned later that painting bears very little direct relation to life and that every effort to free oneself has always been derided by the public. -RM

Now I don't actually paint like any of that.  I am too desperate just to paint anything.  So I just let the paint do what it likes and I try to stay out of the way of it.  If it fails I know I got in the way -I started thinking and painting, both ugly things to me.  Just let the paint talk, and once in a while, every hundred paintings or so, something will emerge, something beautiful...

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