Sunday, November 11, 2018


well I have always been dedicated to the accidental, the happenstance, the least egregious way to make the work, and I am usually rewarded when I look at them when I wake in the morning or the afternoon when I get up.  Now when I write about them, I often get mixed up in spelling things, I don't know why or how but the words all turn into some complex chalkboard, with strange equations done in hieroglyphs 

Now I can often look things up on the computer and fix the spelling yet I often don't wanna do that.  I want the painting to all be soaked in accident and the most amature of tools and so I don't wanna correct spelling and change the words I use. I don't want to order them, to present  a shiny thing  of gallery standing.  At least that is how I feel a bunch of the time.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

I'm Back!

So where have I been?  Well, about three years ago my laptop crashed and I couldn't process any photos of my paintings.  I got sick of trying to figure out my laptop so I went back to just painting.  Which was actually kind of heaven.  There was an ancient Chinese scholar who said the struggle between for and against is the mind's worst disease.

Finally I got a new computer which has taken me almost a year to figure out.  But I really missed all of you.  I loved the comments that you left and the discussions that would happen.  That all made me really happy.  So here are a couple new watercolors that I hope you'll enjoy.

Even if you don't enjoy them, I'd still love to hear from you.