A limited, measured , calculable, rationally distributed responsibility is already the becoming-right of morality; it is at times also, in the best hypothesis, the dream of every good conscience, in the worst hypothesis, of the small or grand inquisitors. -Derrida
It seems the most difficult thing in all this stuff is spelling correctly -not that I find it difficult to spell. But when I am writing using a pencil, let's say, I think of a word like Damocles, and with a sudden apprehension I begin to write it...and I start to wonder -does it have a capital D, or should it be a small d, and should it have like something fancy at the end of it like an e...
...or maybe it is oec or eoc. -a little more dramatic...I picture Charlton Heston in an early scene in a movie he never made, slowly eating while hanging directly above him is a dreadful heavy wide sword...I wonder, will he use that giant sword in his last battle with this dreadful king...will he get the girl, is that how you spell Charlton, wouldn't it look prettier with an e after the r?
...and I realize I'm writing with scrolling doo dads all over the place, I'm not spelling anything, my pencil has gone crazy in an instant, the battle has overflowed and we will be lucky to get out alive...
The end credits have run...the gallant letters have scrolled down the screen...romanesque, gothic, like an illustrated bible that has drank to much Hollywood and is vomiting all over the place. I look at the paper, oh yuck, what a mess, the word is all crossed out -not once but twice, and now every word after that one is misspelled, all the soldiers are wounded, the field is a mess...
such sadness.