Now this will be enough till after the new year I guess…they are just more of the fantastic landscapes that are showing up all the time now…when you drive by the beach or the park where John Cussack grew up…
The giant rocks, the frozen water, the incipient violence of the place, it simply looks like a terrible tsunami is on the way, coming in, bury yourself inside, keep warm, put on a record...
The deep multicolored, multi-themed last light of the day, the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald….
A broom is drearily sweeping up the broken dreams of yesterdays life… -Jimi Hendrix
…and the sky seems to be on a stoned trip somehow ready to suck us all up into the spaceship above the clouds...
In the winter you look out over the dunes and standing in stead of endless water is Mount Vesuvius and the threatening clouds of doom…it is all very beautiful.
Once in a while in the morning you must just give up for what the water and sky have set to deliver...